Some things you should know about Just Cause 2

Some things you should know about Just Cause 2
Just Cause 2 isn't a hard game. It's generous and forgiving, offering you plenty to do and almost no penalty for getting killed. The world is your destructible oyster. Now get out there and mess it up.
That said, there are a few things you should know.
Read them after the jump.

It's always a generator
If you're having trouble getting 100% completion for a location, make sure you've got a handle on how the signal strength indicator works. Once you're close enough to max out the indicator, the location of the collectible lights up on your screen. The indicator has really good coverage, so it's a great help in finding collectibles in all but the largest settlements and bases. As for destruction targets, they're usually in plain sight. If you're missing one last thing, odds are it's one of those unassuming generators. Look for a boring ol' box behind a building somewhere.
Born to roll
In case you're not one for documentation, the right shoulder button makes you run. I'm only telling you this because I was probably half way through the game before I realized it. But more importantly, if you tap the right shoulder button, you'll do an evasive roll. That thing saved my bacon many times. I looked mighty silly roll-roll-rolling through enemy fire - who needs serpentine? - but it works.
Health care reform
Don't fret too much if your health is low. This isn't a game where you need full health during a fierce firefight. Just make sure to duck out of the line of fire when you're getting hit so your wounds can recover a bit. Think of it as a Call of Duty 4 health system instead of a Doom health system and you'll be fine. Also, if you want a quick and easy health upgrade, take a road trip along one of Panau's freeways. For some reason, there are pairs of armor upgrades under most overpasses. Go figure.
Assassinating generals
Don't think you need surgical precision because word "assassination" is used in relation to taking out generals. Sure, you need to hit them with headshots if you're using guns. But explosions can hit generals in the head as well. Just take a helicopter and open fire with rockets. I actually managed to knock one general off the top of his skyscraper in Panau Capital City by firing rockets. The fall killed him just fine.
Shop me two times, baby
Yeah, sure, it's annoying hearing that guy who flies the Black Market helicopter. It's even more annoying having to sit through animations of his helicopter on the way to and from the Black Market screen, where you can only buy one thing at a time. But did you know that if you immediately buy more stuff after the animations have already played, you'll jump straight to the buying screen without watching the helicopter arrive and depart? So buy in bulk!
Anti-Newtonian grappling hook
If you just want to get down out of the sky quickly, the parachute can be your worst enemy. "No, you stupid parachute, I didn't want to bank right into a slow languid counter-clockwise spiral. I want down!" As is often the case in Just Cause 2, the grappling hook is your best friend. No matter how fast your falling or far you've fallen, the grappling hook will bring you safely to the ground. Who needs a parachute when you can wait until the last minute to tap the grappling hook button and bring yourself lightly and quickly to terra firma?

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